Monday, November 5, 2007

Kar'BU Kenya

Karibu (pronounced "kah-REE-boo") means "welcome" in Kiswahili. Our volunteers from the dirty south have coined an alternative, "Kare-BOO" pronunciation. I am... obsessed. So... woo! Kar'BU.

I got a ride to Siaya last week with the Swedish doctors who come to do a bi monthly clinic in my village. A little ways in, we saw a HUGE crowd of people along the side of the road, people running from all over, arms flailing. Immediately I thought, "Awww God, a gory vehicle accident scene"... I started fantasizing about the doctors having to snap in to action and do some emergency road side life savings and whatnot. As we got closer we saw that it was one of those huge petrol carrying tanker truck thingies that had jack-knifed and flipped on its side... and that no one was injured (that we saw)... that the huge crowd of people running from all directions and watching were actually people who had come from their houses carrying their water jugs to steal free petrol. For MILES after the accident we saw people who had come all the way from home to jack gas from the broken truck, carrying it on the back of their bikes, on their heads, wherever. There were two police officers around... half heartedly "controlling" road traffic, but it was a crazy scene... unlike anything I've ever seen on the side of the road in the states. Kar'buuu Kenya!

Things are going really well, aside from my bat (see previous posts), who has gotten really audacious and saucy lately. I thought we had an agreement-- he comes out once I'm secure under my bed net. But a few nights ago he just... went crazy and was flying all over the place, up and down and all around, making a scene, even pooping NOT in the place where he always poops. Because I'm my father's daughter, I'll say that this without question means that the bat has rabies and will, in fact attack me in my sleep. Baba a few months ago gave me a spear (a legit, like... arrowhead on a long stick) to kill the bat with. Um... right. I'm a sharp shooter, but my rabid bat spearing skills are not what they should be... so... I'm going to be all Tasmanian devil, breaking everything in sight trying to kill that thing. Do they have "have a heart" bat traps? Are there ways to house train bats? I don't really want to kill it... but, man.... he's freaking me out. Ha.

I went to a Halloween party in Migori this weekend and got to see a lot of PC (and non-PC) buddies. A highlight for me was seeing a 27 year old man dressed in a primary school uniform (sweater vest, short shorts, knee highs). I didn't really have a costume, but I was wearing my dancing shoes. I danced for hours on end and was told by some Kenyans that my dancing is "just, yes, so nice, yes." I was honored. Particularly since 7 year old kids can dance circles around me and make me look like the least coordinated ass EVER... they are so good. We had a good time, nevertheless.

So... I feel like I went on Spring Break to Cancun this weekend... I danced more and slept less than I have in... a really... long... time. I need to recover. From my vacation.

I'm off to eat samaki kubwa (big fish) on Lake Vic with peeps... one of my favorite things to do here. Hope all is well... more to come.

Love and miss,


Momma King said...

Greetings from your mother (in Baltimore for AEA). It's late at night but your bat entry has me laughing out loud. Just a thought: a Bat is really just a Cat with a different starting letter. Go with that. Avoid the spear. Is it just me?

Stuart said...

Greetings from your father. Regarding the bat, I just want to say that without question this means the bat has rabies and will, in fact, attack you in your sleep. We are shipping Gus via UPS as a special agent to handle this matter. The bat's days are numbered, trust me.

matti said...

Pole, pooole. Can´t really let you get away with that spear-thing. It´s like our discussion about the death penalty all over. That poor kid probably had the worst childhood. He´s just depressed, and anxious... Ask the drs for some antidepressants (yes, for the bat...) And Valium, I know it´s in that box somewhere. He will be fine, and ready to leave Umer for good.
Tell Baba I said hello. And the missuses...

Jen said...